Introduction 59 Renal physiology, development of the kidney, maturation

of renal function and electrolyte disorders 59

Prescribing intravenous fluids in children 70 References 76

Administration of intravenous fluids is routine in paediatric anaesthesia. However, the rationale for fluid administration is often poorly understood and errors in fluid management can lead to serious morbidity and mortality. The paediatric anaesthetist must give careful consideration to the type and volume of fluids administered in the perioperative period, prescribing intravenous fluids with the same care as any other medication. The first part of this chapter will review basic and developmental physiology of the kidney and fluid compartments and the management of electrolyte abnormalities. The second part will consider the rationale for perioperative fluid management, including maintenance fluids, replacement fluids, the need for

glucose and, finally, specific clinical situations in paediatric anaesthetic practice.